Our Programs
Based in the Rwenzori Mountains of rural Western Uganda, our programs target difficult-to-reach communities often deprived of services available in more urban and semi-urban settings. Read below for more detail on each of our programs.

Community Health Work: iCCM
In 2020 we trained 20 Community Health Workers to treat pediatric illnesses according to the Ugandan Ministry of Health and WHO iCCM protocol in the Maliba Sub-County of Western Uganda. Based on the impact of our program the local government has requested we expand to support more communities in the district with this life-saving intervention.

Hepatitis B Clinic
There is growing recognition across Uganda that Hepatitis B is severely under-diagnosed and a significant cause of debilitation and death. Our own research identified a local prevalence of 10% in some villages, all previously undiagnosed. We are now working to establish the first Hepatitis B Clinic in the District to improve access to testing and treatment.